Digital Story Telling
Digital storytelling is an excellent way for students to express their creativity and to share their work with others. It is engaging and fun for students. Digital stories allow students to take a series of events and turn them into a media experience. It encourages them to communicate, collaborate, and research as well as to infuse media into the process. Many tools and apps exists to create these projects, and all of them enable students to gain a deeper understanding of history as they explore the most effective way to retell their stories.In two weeks we are starting our Native American project in my classroom leading up to Thanksgiving. For this project, each group of students gets a different Native American Tribe that they must research facts about. Usually what students do is take all of the information they have gathered and researched and turn it into a poster presentation. I thought it would be a good way to introduce digital storytelling by having them create a story as if they were the Native American’s and they were telling a story about their lives in the tribe based on the facts they learned. The students would be putting themselves in the Native American’s shoes and telling it from their point of view. Students would be able to use expression in their digital stories and turn a poster of facts into a meaningful story of a piece of history.
Some more tools that I found for storytelling in the classroom...
Storybird lets anyone make visual stories in seconds. They curate artwork from illustrators and animators around the world and inspire writers of any age to turn those images into fresh stories. Note that while making, sharing, and reading stories on Storybird is free, printing them or downloading them have various fees that are clearly explained with each option.
ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D popup books. ZooBurst books “live” online and can be experienced on your desktop or laptop computer, or on your iPad via the free ZooBurst mobile app. Authors can arrange characters and props within a 3D world that can be customized using uploaded artwork or items found in a built-in database of over 10,000 free images and materials. The basic, free, account allows you to create 10 books of 10 pages each.
How Else Can Students Use Digital Storytelling In Our Classroom?
• Students can create a virtual tour of an historical place in our social studies curriculum.
• Students can simulate an interview of a historical character.
• Students can create a storyline on specific topic (changes of matter, the constitution, fairytales).
• Students can create a presentation based on images of local artifacts and architecture.
Below is a great website I found with A LOT of information on Digital Storytelling, examples, tutorials, videos and so on.